
For those looking to travel around the world, provide others with basic medical care, spread the message of Christ, and get a little adventure on the side; MMI offers travel teams periodically throughout the year.

Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming trips to see first hand how basic medical care can affect a positive change in the lives of those around the world.

If you are interested in more information please sign up for travel updates below or by phone at 559-324-1255

Join the 2025 Fiji Medical team: July 16-29, 2025

Join us on our upcoming medical mission to Fiji this summer! We’re partnering with our long-time friend Global Passion Ministries on this trip where we will travel to remote areas of Fiji to provide health screening and vision clinics to Fijians who don’t have access to regular medical care. This is not just a humanitarian trip, but a very unique way to share the Gospel. We want everyone who passes through our medical clinic to know who Jesus is and that He loves them. If you have not joined us before, please pray about coming along this year on this life-changing trip.

We’re recruiting both medical and non-medical teammates of high school age and beyond. Medical experience (as a professional or student) is helpful but not required and we will provide all the training you’ll need. Got questions? email MMI Travel Teams Coordinator, Brooke, at Brooke@medministries.org

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

-Isaiah 52:7

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

-1 Peter 4:10

“I wanted to take my 16-year-old son on a Missions trip… but I wasn’t really sure where to go or who to go with. Pastor Steve from Global Passion Ministries came to our church and told us about the Medical Mission to Fiji. Instantly, we knew we should go, but we didn’t know what WE could offer on a “Medical Mission.” We’re not doctors or nurses or anything in the medical field. As it turns out, we just have to offer what we ARE and allow the team to teach us, have a servant’s heart, and allow the Lord to use us. Matthew was able to help with First Aid, and I helped with Nutritional Consultation as well as photographing the trip. We were SO BLESSED by the team, by the Fijians, and by the whole experience. To be able to be a small part of God’s big story changed our lives. Thank you to Medical Ministries International for following God’s call and making a way for us to serve.

Nicole Jackson, Fiji 2023

Check out our travel updates and blog:

Your gift will enable us to send countless tons of medical supplies overseas and continue our new focus on community development.


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