Four years ago, Dr. Gonzalez and the MMI Team provided medical training at the Nebobongo Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They were asked to raise money for a new pediatric ward because of the great casualties of the Ebola virus and salmonella epidemic that took the lives of 50% of the children. It is a great honor that 4 years later this pediatric ward is now finished.
Dr. George Gonzalez along with Dr. Daniel Borgstadt, Harmonie Adams, Tania Smith, Dan Lewan, Jack Eisenbach, Simon Eisenbach and Dane Iwata were planning to go to the Nebobongo on January 13 to be present at the dedication of the new pediatric ward. However due to the DRC Presidential Election and changes in VISA approval process, 7 of the 8 did not get their Visas for travel. There is a NEW Visa Policy in place at the DRC Embassy that the VISAs need to be granted from Kinshasa, DRC….no longer the USA based DRC Embassy. God is Sovereign and He allowed Harmonie Adams who is serving with Samaritans Purse in Vietnam to get her VISA. Harmonie traveled from Vietnam to DRC. Harmonie speaks French. She was warmly welcomed as she shared with the Nebobongo Hospital staff on CHE Training. CHE stand for Community Health Evangelism. JC Bataneni, MD and the Pastoral staff welcomed the training they received and look forward to the implementation of these principles in the Nebobongo community at large.
As of January 23, 2017, VISAs to the DRC have been issued to the 5 of the remaining seven team members. Jack Eisenbach will be going to Nebobongo to install solar panels on the hospital. Dan Lewan, E4 Project Director. Tania Smith (monographer) and Simon Eisenbach (videographer) and Dane Iata (Videographer) are projected to go the end of February. Tania Smith will be training JC Bataneni, MD and his wife Christine Bataneni, MD on ultrasound techniques.