Please join Louie Martina and Pastor Wood in April 2018 for a 2 week construction team that will be building a medical clinic in Jos, Nigeria.
MMI is asking the Lord to bring the right team members that have the skill set to help them build a medical clinic. Is this person you?
 The construction team will be doing concrete work, raising a metal frame building, installing electrical wiring and furnishing the medical clinic.  Our team needs those with skills in the construction trades.
They are planning for a 14 day trip.  This will include 4 days of travel,
9 days of hard work and one day for sightseeing.  They will be staying with the locals and sleeping on mats or cots.
The cost will be $3,500 person.
Passports (with at least 4 clean pages), VISAS and immunizations will need to be in place 8 weeks prior to leaving.
Commitment Deposit: $100 by 1-1-2018
Airlines Tickets: $2,000 by 2-15-2018
Remainder Balance:  by 3-15-2018
There will be one fundraiser.  All team members will need to participate.
If you are interested in blessings with hard work, please contact Louie Martina at