MMI will be sending 2 containers to Nigeria this December 2017 to Pastor Jacob Lang who is the Superintendent of the Assemblies of God Church in the Jos District of Nigeria.
Pastor Lang has a very special relationship with MMI. After 4 years as serving as a pastor in the USA, MMI Board Member Pastor Hymman Wood and his wife Virginia went to Nigeria and worked along side Pastor Lang parents. At that time Pastor Lang was only 10 years old. This began a lifelong friendship
Currently, Pastor Jacob and Chiko Ogbanna, MD of Nigeria have asked MMI to help them build a medical clinic and supply it. Dr. Ogbanna is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery in the Jos, Nigeria. He shares that medical services are scarce for the people of this region. There is a shortage of medical services. What is available is very expensive. Poor nutrition is rampant. Their request fits MMI’s mission perfectly. MMI sends medical equipment, as well as construction teams and
medical teams. The MMI Board approved this request wholeheartedly.
medical teams. The MMI Board approved this request wholeheartedly.
MMI will be sending 2 containers to Jos, Nigeria in late December 2017. These two containers are currently being staged and near completion. Pastor Wood has worked alongside MMI Staff Member Alisa Martin to stage this container, and he has been key fundraiser.
MMI is blessed by this precious relationship. Please be praying for safe passage of these two containers to Bukuru-Jos, Nigeria.